Our film explores the power of sport through Marshall Pura, the eighty year old Los Angeleno who established the first pickleball court in Los Angeles, John Sabado, a sixty year old who has been living with Parkinsons for over 25 years, Norair Harutynian, an immigrant from Armenia who became wheelchair bound after suffering a spinal injury as a firefighter in his home country, and the rest of their  pickleball community who come together to play weekly at their local neighborhood park.

With John, Marshall, and Norair, this film seeks to understand how something as seemingly simple as playing pickleball with others can be incredibly meaningful, helping us find purpose, agency, joy, an expansion of our fuller selves or different versions we did not know were there. It shows audiences the bravery and happiness that people bring to themselves and others.

Our campaign will help connect audiences to sports, movement, and community opportunities.

Let's move together

Let's move together